Connect 313 Names Eight Neighborhood Technology and Resource Hubs, adding New Digital Skills Curriculum

Connect 313 Names Eight Neighborhood Technology and Resource Hubs, adding New Digital Skills Curriculum

Connect 313 is pleased to announce it has relaunched and funded eight tech hubs as
Neighborhood Technology and Resource Hubs across Detroit’s seven districts, adding a robust digital skills curriculum.

The Accenture Learning Exchange Portal, a professional development skills training
platform, will be offered at each of the Neighborhood Technology and Resource Hubs listed below. The hubs are located within established community organizations including Cody Rouge, MACC Development, Eastside Community Network, and more. (See a full list below.)

The Accenture platform is a self-paced learning module providing digital literacy and
workforce-readiness training for Detroit residents. Once residents have registered for
the training at a tech hub, they can continue the program anywhere they have access to a computer and internet. Courses include: Computer and Internet Basics, Career
Assessment, Resume Building, Healthcare Customer Service and Communications,
and other foundational online and computer basics. 

“Through these Neighborhood Technology and Resource Hubs, we are providing
Detroiters a sustainable pathway to the digital world and all the educational,
employment, and healthcare opportunities it brings,” said Tonya Adair, United Way for Southeastern Michigan’s Chief Development, Diversity and Engagement Officer. “We are proud to be a longtime collaborator, working to bridge the digital divide in Detroit and overseeing this important effort.”

United Way for Southeastern Michigan is supporting a team of community ambassadors who staff the technology hubs and help deliver the Accenture curriculum, in addition to providing classes, devices, internet access, and tech support. Combined with the City of Detroit’s nine certified tech hubs (click this link for a map), this brings the number of Detroit technology hubs to 17 locations where Detroiters can receive the access and technology support they need and deserve.

The eight Connect 313 Neighborhood Technology and Resource Hubs include:

 District 1 – Brilliant Detroit – Brightmoor: (K-12 resource) 15509 Heyden, Detroit
48223, 313-326-4966,

 District 2 – LIVE6 Alliance: 7426 W. McNichols, 48221, 313-578-0304

 District 3 – Osborn Neighborhood Alliance &; Matrix Human Services: 13560 E. McNichols 48205, 313-344-6190,

 District 4 – Eastside Community Network: 401 Connor Street, 48215, 313-571-2800,

 District 5 – MACC Development: 7900 Mack Avenue, 48214, 313-732-9302

 District 5 – Bailey Park Neighborhood Development Corporation: 2617 Joseph
Campau Detroit, MI 48207, 313-414-3680,

 District 6 – Bridging Communities: 6900 McGraw Ave, Detroit, MI 48210, 313-

 District 7- Cody Rouge: 19321 W Chicago, Detroit, MI 48228, 313-397-9280

“At Brilliant Detroit, two of the principles that guide our work are meeting people where they are and providing them with the tools and support needed to achieve their dreams,” said Cindy Eggleton, Brilliant Detroit’s co-founder and CEO. “Our lives are increasingly online and not having access to a computer or the internet can be a hindrance. That is why we are so grateful to partner with Connect 313. Truly they are listening and providing what is needed.”

Connect 313 is an ongoing partnership between United Way for Southeastern Michigan, Rocket Community Fund, and the City of Detroit, with additional collaborators including Accenture, Black Tech Saturdays, and Human I-T.

Since its inception in 2020, Connect 313 has served more than 29,000 residents
through its network of tech hubs, providing 352 workstations with broadband internet and high-quality devices across Detroit’s seven districts. As a result of these efforts and more, Detroit has grown from being the least connected city in 2020 to a city with a nationally recognized digital inclusion model that’s making an impact.

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It’s full circle for structure and operations committee co-chair Jordan Falby

It’s full circle for structure and operations committee co-chair Jordan Falby

For Jordan Falby, serving as co-chair of Connect 313’s structure and operations committee is a little like coming home. That’s because she was part of the original team that laid the ground work for the organization in 2020 and helped define its governance during its earliest days.

“I was a program manager for United Way for Southeastern Michigan at the time, and worked with the city of Detroit and the Rocket Community Fund as they were building the collaborative behind Connect 313, fleshing out the concept,” Falby explained.

Now, as she co-leads activities for what she calls the organization’s “OG” committee, Falby is looking to further refine core elements underpinning Connect 313’s day-to-day work and how that work is funded.

“The idea was to establish a Board of Directors to support Connect 313’s work in bridging the digital divide,” Falby said. “As we looked at aligning like-minded organizations, we began to envision Connect 313’s structure and how it would operate. Now, four years later, I have the opportunity to take what we created to the next level.”

Falby, who is the DEI Manager at Walker-Miller Energy Services, says her committee will be looking at bringing in resources from the digital equity space, building efficiencies into Connect 313 operations, and analyzing the longer term effects of the FCC’s Affordable Connectivity Program (ACP) wind down.

“Connect 313 recognized the value of the ACP and put tremendous effort into enrolling eligible households. This team’s work helped make Detroit a high-impact city within the program. Now, we must pivot from the ACP to other funding opportunities and resources, so we’re looking at that, too,” Falby shared. 

She points to Connect 313’s Neighborhood Tech Hubs, and the city’s newly certified tech hubs, as prime examples of alternative resources for Detroit residents. Likewise, Connect 313 Community Ambassadors provide a critical service helping Detroiters navigate a rich digital ecosystem.

“As Connect 313 grows and matures, we’re assessing whether it makes sense to add subcommittees to explore re-engaging people and organizations who have supported our mission in the past. 

“There’s just so much available in Detroit and we’re making great strides in closing the digital divide. As the co-chair of the structure and operations committee I’m excited about what we can achieve this year, and how Connect 313 can improve and grow,” Falby said. 

To become a Connect 313 member, find a Neighborhood Tech Hub, meet with a Community Ambassador, submit a suggestion for a community initiative, receive free digital skills training and more, visit

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Expert Educator Brings Leadership Experience to Special Projects, Shared Resources Committee

Educator brings leadership experience
to special projects committee

In 2020, the National Organization of Black County Officials asked Dr. Paula Whittaker Watkins to speak at a conference. There, the seasoned leader and education expert met Connect 313 Founder Joshua Edmonds and immediately got on board with his vision of every Detroiter having full access to the digital ecosystem and its world of opportunities. 

“Through my work with younger and older adult students, I understood the significance of Connect 313’s mission and the importance of a fully digitally connected city. I saw the need and wanted to help,” Whittaker Watkins said.

For two years, she successfully chaired Connect 313’s digital literacy and skilling committee and then stepped back for personal reasons. Today, she’s re-engaged as the 2024 chair of the organization’s special projects and shared resources team. 

Connect 313 should be a household name in Detroit. Part of our work will be to advance our name so there is immediate recognition of who we are and what we do. That’s my personal goal,” Whittaker Watkins shared.

“I also want to advance our community suggestion function, which is at the core of Connect 313’s grass roots appeal and effectiveness. Also, we’ll look at deploying strategies across Connect 313 and its tech hubs and other organizational systems so that our work has a lasting, positive impact on the community.”

Whittaker Watkins is the cofounder and CEO of the American International Cyber Institute and understands the role community plays in building word-of-mouth credibility for an organization. With that in mind, she’ll work to enhance Connect 313’s visibility among local community centers, neighborhood and faith-based organizations, and other key places people congregate.

“Through our committee chairs and members, we are spreading the word in schools and academies by talking to students, parents and teachers,” Whittaker Watkins said. 

Whittaker Watkins’ passion for digital equity comes from her inside knowledge and grasp of technology’s role in the 21st century. She believes, along with Connect 313, that access to technology is a right and necessity and that equity, in all environments, forever transforms lives. 

“I’m committed to the work of Connect 313 and the vision Joshua Edmonds had four years ago. By serving on a committee, we’re developing a camaraderie that advances our mission and deepens our investment in bridging the digital divide,” Whittaker Watkins explained. “I’m ready to build on the momentum of the organization and energize our team.” 

To become a Connect 313 member, find a Neighborhood Tech Hub, meet with a Community Ambassador, submit a suggestion for a community initiative, receive free digital skills training and more, visit

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Meet Myla Chapman, your Connect 313 District 4 Community Ambassador

Meet Myla Chapman, your Connect 313 District 4 Community Ambassador

Myla’s neighborhood home base is at the Eastside Community Network (ECN), which has served Detroit’s eastside since 1984 and driven positive transformation among that community’s residents and businesses. Formerly the Warren Conner Development Coalition, the people at ECN have worked tirelessly to develop programs and resources that center the needs of eastside residents and amplify their voices to drive development within their communities. You can find Myla and the ECN at 4401 Conner Street, Detroit, 48215 or by visiting

Read on to learn more about Myla, your District 4 Community Ambassador.

C313: Tell us about District 4 and what makes it special?

It’s a well-kept secret that District 4 is vibrant and resilient. Residents are welcoming and provide the warmest hospitality while appreciating their fun.

C313: How do you describe your work with Connect 313 to your family and friends?

I tell folks in my family and the community that as a Connect 313 Community Ambassador, my role is to advocate for Detroit residents by bringing them accessible and affordable digital resources and technical support. I stay updated on the latest technology and help district residents achieve digital literacy, find appropriate devices and learn how they can empower themselves through technology.

C313: Why do you love being a community ambassador?

I enjoy the different cultures and environments in District 4 and collaborating with organizations and community residents there. My role offers a unique perspective because I’m a Detroit resident on the westside advocating for the eastside while representing my city. Being a Community Ambassador allows me to be adaptable, spontaneous, independent and innovative while meeting people where they are.

C313: Tell us one surprising fact about yourself?

I was born on Friday the 13th at Henry Ford Hospital, and my birthday in 2024 falls on Friday, December 13, the month I was born.

C313: Favorite thing about Detroit?

My favorite thing about Detroit is the people. We are resilient and stylish, and get the job done with flair and grace. Also, I love Belle Isle, which is one of my favorite places. It’s unique, peaceful and serene and brings Detroiters together to have a good time and engage as a community.


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A Message from Connect 313 Director Vittoria Katanski

A Message from Connect 313 Director
Vittoria Katanski

Connect 313 exists to ensure all Detroit residents have access to the digital skills, devices, and connectivity they need to engage with the digital world and the opportunity it brings. Our mission – to bridge the digital divide in our city – is a bold undertaking that involves many partners, volunteers, residents, and a dedicated team. As we begin the new year, I want to take a moment to recognize the courageous people who have joined with Connect 313 and are advocating for a fully digitally inclusive Detroit.

Since its inception, Connect 313 has helped 147,803 Detroiters get connected to the internet through the Affordable Connectivity Program (ACP) and served more than 29,000 residents through our network of Neighborhood Tech Hubs which provide 352 workstations with broadband internet and high-quality devices across Detroit’s seven districts. Through these efforts and more, Detroit has grown from being the least connected city in 2020 to a city with a nationally recognized digital inclusion model that is making an impact.

In the 21st century, digital access and literacy are a basic human right. The Connect 313 team works tirelessly to translate our plans, policies and advocacy into actions and programs. This diverse group serves as our organization’s core staff responsible for project management and execution, planning and development, digital communications, research, funding, key infrastructure and more. A true public-private partnership, Connect 313 includes talented professionals from the City of Detroit, United Way for Southeastern Michigan, Rocket Community Fund, Wayne State University, Human-I-T and more.

Our staff and partners have provided invaluable operational structure, ongoing funding, 75,000+ devices, and a variety of established channels through which we execute our vision and advance our mission. They include:

  • Connect 313 Board & Committees: The Connect 313 board and our committees (Digital Literacy & Skilling, Devices & Connectivity, Special Projects & Shared Resources, Policy, Advocacy & Ecosystem, and Structure & Operations) help connect our data-driven approach with efforts toward meaningful impact. Both the board and our working committees help to steer funding, program development and the direction of the organization. 
  • Community Ambassadors: Our community ambassadors represent each of Detroit’s seven districts and are the foundation of Connect 313’s community-based philosophy. This team directly engages with residents and brings our services where they are needed most. 
  • Ecosystem Heroes: A rich and varied ecosystem of people, places and organizations dedicated to closing the digital divide exists in Detroit. Our 22 neighborhood tech hubs, Connect 313’s nearly 800 members, and a wide variety of supporters combine to form a network that provides Connect 313 with the knowledge to stay on top the dynamic world of connectivity, in the city and within our neighborhoods. 

Connect 313 is data-driven. From the start, the City of Detroit and Wayne State University have collected and analyzed digital inclusion information that we use to guide our efforts. As we look ahead to 2024, we intend to take what we’ve learned from the last three years and implement a stronger, more focused strategic plan, expand Connect 313’s outreach, make our operations more efficient, and further focus our mission to produce even broader and more dramatic results.

I am grateful to the incredible team of people, partners and organizations helping us along the way. I encourage you to get connected and join our mission by clicking on any of the links below.


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David Luea: An integral contributor of a transformative initiative

David Luea: An integral contributor of a transformative initiative

As Connect 313’s Digital Inclusion Initiative Project Manager, David Luea always stays busy.

“From the Community Ambassador program to the Neighborhood Tech Hubs, I am responsible for organizing and contributing to the development of digital equity impact projects in Detroit for Connect 313,” David says. “My job is to help develop and assess program strengths and identify areas for improvement.”

David joined Connect 313 in 2021. Since then, he’s supported the launch of 17 Neighborhood Tech Hubs, helped develop Connect 313’s Community Ambassador program, overseen more than $300,000 in committee-funded programs, and witnessed 100,000 Detroiters sign up for low-cost internet through the Affordable Connectivity Program.

“I’m proud to be an agent of change for Detroiters, and I love working alongside dedicated teams to bridge the gap between technology haves and have-nots,” he says. “The ability to witness the positive transformation of individuals and communities, while fostering collaboration and embracing innovation, makes this role both fulfilling and impactful.”

David graduated from Ferris State University in 2008 with a focus on advertising, marketing, and business. At Connect 313, he works closely with the marketing department to promote programs and community partner events.

“The most rewarding aspect of this role is being able to contribute to such an important and transformative initiative,” says David.

His work is making a difference. Connect 313 has helped close Detroit’s digital equity gap. In 2020, 40 percent of Detroiters were digitally included. This year, the number is closer to 70 percent.

“I hope to see a future in digital equity where universal high-speed internet access is a reality and underserved communities have equitable access to devices and digital literacy programing,” David says. “If Connect 313 continues to amplify our collaborative partnerships and collective efforts, I believe we will see 100 percent of Detroiters being fully digitally included, sooner rather than later.”


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DDIW 2023 Panel Looks at Advancing Digital Literacy in Detroit to Promote Workforce Development

DDIW 2023 Panel Looks at Advancing Digital Literacy in Detroit to Promote Workforce Development

Recognizing that a tech gap exists in Detroit’s talent pool, a panel of experts got to work October 2 at Wayne State University exploring how to advance digital literacy across the city to promote workforce development. Their conversation was part of a series of informative and interactive panel discussions marking the start of this year’s Detroit Digital Inclusion Week powered by Connect 313 

“We are building pathways to accessibility for digital tools and technology so everyone can become digitally literate,” said Myka Burley, associate director of skills at Michigan Central and panel moderator. “When we take those tools and employ them in ways that empower people economically, we get into real workforce development initiatives.” 

Burley was joined by Christine Burkette, director of Digital Equity & Inclusion, the City of Detroit, Department of Innovation and Technology; Jai Oberoi, senior VP of data intelligence for Rocket Mortgage; Germaine Reece, business diversity manager at Central CDW; and Jose Reyes, executive director for NPower.  

Their conversation was wide ranging and punctuated by personal anecdotes and insights from careers dedicated to technology and to advancing opportunities for populations often underserved or left behind. Jose Reyes recalled being in the computer lab at the University of Michigan decades ago and losing a paper because he didn’t know how to properly operate the Apple computer he was working on.  

“Many families experience that lack of tech literacy every day because connectivity and technology are not in their reach. Ours was one of them,” Reyes shared. “We have to be passionate about this effort and see this issue as generational because if the parents don’t have digital equity, then their kids won’t either.” 

Panelists agreed and said that every opportunity must be leveraged to meet people where they are … a notion often cited throughout the day’s four panel discussions. 

“We can’t assume people know,” Burkette said. “So, when you’re distributing devices start literacy then and put information where they’re at, not necessarily on paper, and make it multilingual.” 

Each panelist noted the critical role of bringing together employers and community organizations to increase digital literacy, mitigate the tech gap and help potential employees overcome what many see as systemic barriers. 

“Sometimes life happens and impacts a person no matter how accountable she or he is,” Dr. Sledge explained. “At Per Scholas, we’re not just looking for the brightest and the best because when I can take somebody who was hesitant about IT and had life issues, and I can support them and facilitate their growth and certification … I’ve done my job.” 

Finally, Burley asked the panelist what they hoped the tech employment landscape in Detroit would be in five years, and to consider the impact of AI and the rapid pace of tech advancement.  

Burkette called out a variety of demographic groups – veterans, returning citizens, non-English speaking residents – with differing needs and forming teams to address those needs, while Jai Oberoi mentioned the concept of “leap frogging.” 

“With the acceleration of technology and AI, employment must leapfrog,” Oberoi shared. “The concept of starting with an entry level job gets replaced with talent hopping four or five levels in one move because the technology is already in their hands and what workers thought was out of reach is now actually within their grasp.” 

Lastly, and for a second time that October day, the idea surfaced that Detroit could again serve as a global hub for technology and advancement bolstered by a talented workforce hungry for opportunity and uniquely equipped to move with the speed of innovation. 

Special Thanks to DDIW Sponsors and Partners 

Detroit Digital Inclusion Week was generously sponsored by DELL, Comcast, Verizon and Wayne State University, and supported by Connect 313 partners the City of Detroit, Rocket Community Fund and United Way for Southeastern Michigan. 

Boost your digital literacy by taking advantage of Connect 313’s network of 22 Neighborhood Tech Hubs, meeting with a Community Ambassador to learn more about available resources, submitting a suggestion for a community initiative, signing up for the Affordable Connectivity Program by calling 313-241-7618, receiving free digital skills training and tech support and more, and becoming a member at 


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DDIW23 Panel Focuses on Research, Policy and Digital Equity and Access

DDIW23 Panel Focuses on Research, Policy and Digital Equity, Positions the Internet as a Utility Required for Everyday Life

A series of informative and interactive panel discussions at Wayne State University on October 2 marked the start of this year’s Detroit Digital Inclusion Week powered by Connect 313. The day’s first panel of local experts, assembled to discuss digital equity policy and research, grew animated as they described what a digitally included Detroit might look like.

“Closing the digital divide in Michigan appears different depending on where you are in the state,” said Allie Herkenroder, Michigan’s digital equity director. “We can’t just put a one-size-fits-all solution everywhere and have it work.”

Herkenroder was joined by City of Detroit CIO Art Thompson, Johnnie Turnage, CEO of Even Score and Black Tech Saturdays, Dr. Pierrette Dagg with Merit Network, and Stephanie Vaughn, lead innovation educator with The Hidden Genius Project. The conversation was moderated by Scott D. Woods, president of the public-private partnership

“We need to be thinking about the systemic issues that caused this to begin with,” added Dagg. “Digital equity is not a problem of devices and it’s not a problem of infrastructure, it’s a social issue.”

While each panelist illuminated the complexities of achievingcomprehensive digital inclusion, they all agreed on a few key points to effectively light the way forward.

First, the panelists agreed that broadband access is a needed utility, rather than a luxury, in today’s digitally integrated world. Participants cited the pandemic as bringing this fact into sharp focus, leaving those on the wrong side of the digital divide without access to online healthcare, education, or employment. At the time, anyone without a broadband connection, an appropriate device, and the skills to use it was left behind.

They also agreed on the importance of “meeting people where they are.”

Herkenroder discussed findings from a recently completed statewide listening tour, which started and ended in Detroit, to hear directly from citizens about their digital access priorities.  

“We heard … ideas, questions, and concerns at every single one of our 43 stops throughout Michigan with the number-one identified broadband barrier for Michiganders being availabilityand number two: affordability,” Herkenroder recalled. (Region 10 community participants, in which Detroit is located, placed affordability as the top barrier rather than access, which was listed as second.)

Dr. Dagg reinforced the importance of local voices when she talked about the need for champions of digital inclusion such assupportive local governments and a varied, already existinglandscape of federal funding that communities can leverage.

“For me, digital equity looks like how we get people to a certain level of confidence and competence to even talk about it,” added Turnage. His initiative, Black Tech Saturdays, draws hundreds of people each week to network, share ideas and solve problems at Newlab, near the reinvigorated Michigan Central Station in Detroit.

Finally, the five panelists agreed that as with any complex issuethe best place to find a solution starts by establishing common ground.

“If you look at the internet, it is a utility, it is something we need for everyday life,” Thompson said. “We need to do something that’s going to leave an everlasting effect and drive up adoption of resources. It has to be transformative.”

Special Thanks to DDIW 2023 Sponsors and Partners

Detroit Digital Inclusion Week was generously sponsored by DELL, Comcast, Verizon, and Wayne State University, and supported by Connect 313 partners the City of Detroit, Rocket Community Fund and United Way for Southeastern Michigan.

Boost your digital literacy by taking advantage of Connect 313’s network of 22 Neighborhood Tech Hubs, meeting with a Community Ambassador to learn more about available resources, submitting a suggestion for a community initiative, signing up for the Affordable Connectivity Program by calling 313-241-7618, receiving free digital skills training and tech support and more, and becoming a member at

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Maria Montoya is Helping Connect Families to Essential Digital Devices

Maria Montoya is Helping Connect Families to Essential Digital Devices

Maria Montoya serves as chair of Connect 313’s Devices and Connectivity Committee. She’s passionate about working with communities to ensure children and families have what they need to succeed. 

“I have never met a parent who doesn’t want the best for their child or their family, but, more often than not, barriers exist to them being able to access their full ability to reach their dreams,” Maria said. “Sometimes that’s knowledge and other times it can be actual tools, such as a device.”

Maria got involved with Connect 313 through Brilliant Detroit’s partnership with Human-I-T. She’s a former journalist whose desire to help families inspired her to change career paths.

“I spent the first half of my career covering celebrities, children and families, and education as a features writer at USA Today and the Times-Picayune (New Orleans),” she shared. “I moved into education and advocacy work in 2008 when I left journalism to be part of a team of parents pushing for better access to public schools and childcare in New Orleans.” 

That work ultimately led Maria to Detroit. 

“I have lived here for seven years, and what I love about the city is very similar to what I love about New Orleans – the people. This city’s love and appreciation of its culture and history is evident, even among very young Detroiters,” Maria said.

At Connect 313, she’s working to close the digital divide by ensuring families with kids have the devices they need and stable, low cost or no cost Wi-Fi. She focuses on collaboration and efficiency to best serve the people of Detroit.

“Connect 313 is a community-centered initiative that anyone can get involved in and I truly believe what’s made it so remarkable is the fact that there is room at the table for everyone,” she said. “Part of the reason why our city is leading in closing the digital gap is because every voice is being included in the work. We should never stop pushing ourselves to make sure the community is at the heart of all the decisions we make.”

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Meet Shadora Ford, your District Five Community Ambassador

Meet Shadora Ford, your District Five Community Ambassador

High-energy Shadora is the founder and leader of Destined for Greatness, a nonprofit dedicated to empowering and motivating at-risk girls and young women in Detroit to do things that once seemed impossible. DFG provides training in hygiene, self-esteem, education, and job readiness along with groceries, household supplies, summer youth jobs and back-to-school essentials. In her role, Shadora understands the need for all Detroiters to have equal access to high-speed internet and the skills needed to navigate our digital world.

Read on to learn more about your District Five community ambassador.

C313: Tell us about your district and what makes it special?

Shadora: District 5 is a thriving community of folks who have been underserved and overlooked yet remain resilient enough to create lifelong histories shared from generation to generation. I grew up in 48214, and as a resident I appreciate the many programs and organizations, such as MACC Development, delivering essential services to those in need.

C313: How do you describe your work with Connect 313 to your family and friends?

Shadora: Connect 313 is providing FREE digital literacy classes, affordable internet and low-cost devices to Detroiters. With partners such as Rocket Mortgage, Infinity and Human IT we have community ambassadors in each of Detroit’s seven districts. I’m proud to have helped in the creation of 17 Connect 313 Tech Hubs across Detroit, for residents to enjoy! #POWEREDBYDETROIT

C313: Why do you love being a community ambassador?

Shadora: My God given purpose, passion and pride comes from helping people! In my role as a community ambassador, I have the privilege of helping people sign up for the Affordable Connectivity Program, which means more people can experience low cost internet from the comfort of their own home.

C313: Tell us one surprising fact about yourself?

Shadora: I was born at 5555 Conner Street in Detroit, at what was then Mercy Hospital. Since 2010, I have mentored over 15,000 girls and helped nearly 50,000 families at the same 5555 Conner Street address, where I created the Destined for Greatness Mentoring & Community Resource Center!

C313: Favorite thing about Detroit?

Shadora: Detroit is home sweet home and a beautiful, diverse blend of innovative people who have coined catchy phrases for the world to repeat such as “What Up Doe?” and “Detroit vs. Everybody.”

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